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Public Records Request

Occupational Licensing Information

Public Portal
The Public Portal has information about whether an individual is licensed, and shows any disciplinary history.
Public Portal
Distribution Lists for Licensees
NOTE: The licensee lists do not contain phone numbers.
Distribution List
Licensee Disciplinary History
DLI does not confirm pending or dismissed complaints, nor does it release any information related to pending or dismissed complaints. The review of licensing complaints filed against licensees is confidential because individual privacy interests outweigh the public’s right to know. Respondents hold a subjective privacy interest in allegations that are unproven and unsubstantiated. Pursuant to Mont. Code Ann. § 37-1-311, reasonable cause findings to institute disciplinary actions are reportable to the public, as are accepted stipulations and final orders entered.

Office of Administrative Hearings Decisions

Wage & Hour and Unemployment Insurance Tax Decisions
Published decisions relating to wage and hour and unemployment insurance tax.
Human Rights Decisions
Published decisions relating to Human Rights.

Media Requests for Comment

Public Information Officer
Members of the media may contact our public information officer, to seek comments for a story.
Media Requests

Request Public Records

Request Form
All public records requests must be submitted through the Department of Administration, Office of Public Information Requests. 
Public Records Request
Records Request

The Montana Department of Labor & Industry is committed to providing access to our documents for all individuals. If the format of any information within these dashboards interferes with your ability to access it due to a disability, please contact us, for assistance.