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Return to the Workforce - Skill Up

Skill Up is an initiative by Governor Gianforte to assist Montanans to return to the workforce.
Skill Development & Education
Adult Education Service Providers offer no-cost services to assist qualifying individuals prepare for the GED or HiSET, postsecondary education or training, and the workforce. These programs also help immigrants and English language learners improve academic skills in preparation for citizenship and participation in their communities. Many Adult Education Service Providers offer in-person instruction and distance learning opportunities.
Certificate Programs at Montana Tribal CollegesWith a tribal college on each of Montana’s seven Indian reservations, American Indian students have access to a multitude of higher education opportunities to earn a certificate or degree that will help them pursue a career in high-demand industries.
Get Your GED or HiSETThe Montana GED® and HiSET® are each a battery of tests that measure a student's academic skills as compared to a high school graduate. If passed, a Montana High School Equivalency Diploma is issued which is accepted by institutions of higher education and employers as equivalent to a regular high school diploma.
Montana Career PathwaysMake smart decisions that will prepare you for college and your career. Discover your interests before you start your educational journey so you can choose the educational pathway that will lead to success in college and your career.
Montana Coding SchoolThinking about learning to code and wondering if it's right for you? This 18-week bootcamp may be right for you.
Montana Registered ApprenticeshipEarn a paycheck while you receive training from seasoned, skilled workers that teach you the skills of their craft along with classroom instruction.
MontanaWorksFile for Unemployment in Montana and search for jobs. Qualified individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own who are currently looking for full-time work or pursuing approved training programs may be eligible for temporary income. To file, you must first create an account for the Claimant Center.
Rapid Training ProgramsEducational, economic development, and non-profit organizations offering rapid training to train and develop workers to meet the needs for entry-level, high-skilled, and management positions across Montana’s priority industries.
Training and EducationView information about training providers and programs
Financial Assistance
Struggling with debt? You have options.
Montana Best Beginnings ScholarshipNeed help paying for child care? This scholarship is offered to qualified low-income families whose child receives care from a licensed child care center, licensed group or family child care home, or Family, Friend, and Neighbor child care provider. Scholarships are available to working families whose income is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and families who get cash assistance through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
Criminal Justice
Focused on offenders integrating back into the community, or offenders who are not in compliance with their supervision conditions and require additional monitoring. Services include: drug testing, offender check-ins, GPS and itinerary/schedule monitoring, cognitive Behavioral programming, employment preparation assistance, and application assistance and service referrals.
Montana Correctional EnterprisesProvides general and vocational education, on-the-job training, and work experience to inmates in industry, vocational and agricultural programs. Inmates training and working in these programs develop marketable job skills, a strong work ethic and self-esteem through a feeling of pride in their accomplishments, often for the first time in their lives.
ReentryThis program offers a Montana ID program, driver’s test for Class D driver’s licenses and CDL renewals, obtaining an offender’s social security card and birth certificate, life skills, employment, and housing.